Thursday, 17 November 2011


The sun setting in a charming little city in France, which makes me tremendously happy each day I spend walking through its narrow streets.
Although my orientation between streets and buildngs is usually horrible, I notice that French cities and their thousands of tiny streets seem to agree with my personal confusion. Somehow I am able to relocate that one cute almost invisible café I sat in two weeks ago, without knowing its name or the way I took to get there.
Likewise, I find the French people amazingly relaxed and confused in a very charming way. It took me some time to get used to spending ten minutes at a counter in the supermarket, because the people see absolutely no need in hurrying or rushing. They have their little chats and never forget their "Bonjour Madame, Bonjour Monsieur!"
Everyone is very jovial and this really influences me in a good way. I always wondered about the famous term "savoir vivre" but, whatever it is, I am sure this largely contributes to the concept.

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