Monday, 28 November 2011

all the beautiful boys

Despite an overwhelming amount of editorials which I look at during the day, and which usually feature women, I noticed that most of my inspiration for clothes comes from the male population walking our planet. Yep, I am talking about the guys here.
Isn't it really unfair that they look best when caring least. So unfair! Messy hair, unshaved, outfit thrown together from what was lying around on the floor. How I would love to live/dress this way. But somewhere deep deep down, women still seem to be expected to present a well-tended, cultivated image- well that and the sad lack of beards, haha.
Since I was never the type of girl to dress up in high heels and use make-up of any kind, I developed a passion for shopping not only in the women's department. Why would I? There are much cooler clothes in the men's section and much cheaper clothes in the children's department.
I feel like women usually have to choose between looking sexy and looking crazy. For men, this often goes hand in hand. Here are some examples to show you what I mean. If I was a guy, I would dress like this in a sec.

 Well, ok, and they usually look much better while smoking then we do...

You get my point? Yeah, and whenever I really like a look on a woman, it is usually rather boyish or has some mascular aspect to it, as you can see below and already here:


  (credits: thesartorialist, Fashiongonerogue, google and others I cannot remember)


  1. ahhh your blog is amazing,
    so inspiring!
    now i'm going to have to go back through your older posts :)
    i'm going to follow you on bloglovin' now!

    ohh and i'm having a giveaway so come enter :)
    I hope you can check my blog out and follow me too!

    Love Kendra

  2. Lovely Blog you got! :D

    Cindy C.


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